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├─2022年10月1周(分项压缩) [文件夹大小:2.01 GB 子文件夹数: 5 子文件数: 6]
1│ ├─06_杂货(电子书、培训课件、经管、统计数据)-10份 [文件夹大小:81.07 MB 子文件夹数: 0 子文件数: 10]
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2│ │ │ 预算单位审计常见问题60问【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (844.58 KB)
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2│ │ │ 2021年工业互联网园区解决方案-141页【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (24.11 MB)
1│ ├─05_小报告-23份 [文件夹大小:55.96 MB 子文件夹数: 0 子文件数: 23]
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2│ │ │ 中诚信-【2022年8月地方政府与城投行业运行分析】地方债发行回落、再融资债超八成,稳增长持续发力关注重点城投企业-16页【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (1.1 MB)
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2│ │ │ 2022年9月第二期:《区域动态》东南亚地区-6页【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (912.11 KB)
1│ ├─04_国际投行报告-113份 [文件夹大小:241.06 MB 子文件夹数: 0 子文件数: 113]
2│ │ │ WISEa.L-Morgan Stanley-Fintech Upgrading Wise forecasts, finding the Adyen floor【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (1.26 MB)
2│ │ │ Where to Invest Now_ Prepare for landing(1)【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (3.4 MB)
2│ │ │ US_Government_Bond Strategy【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (1.1 MB)
2│ │ │ US Quarterly Chartbook_ S&P 500 remains in bear market territory amid rising rates(1)【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (1.77 MB)
2│ │ │ US Idea Radar_ Best-in-Class Cash Returns at Reasonable Cash Flow Valuations(1)【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (757.17 KB)
2│ │ │ US Economics-services ISM remains solid in September【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (2.5 MB)
2│ │ │ US economics Perspectives-September CPI preview【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (4.66 MB)
2│ │ │ US CPI Inflation Preview【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (3.31 MB)
2│ │ │ The flow show-spx666【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (2.98 MB)
2│ │ │ The EM Trader_ After resilience, stay selective(1)【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (1.38 MB)
2│ │ │ Take-Two Interactive Software Inc. (TTWO)_ Framing Upside Case in 2023_2024 As Industry Fundamentals Improve; Upgrade to Buy …(1)【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (945.82 KB)
2│ │ │ Pulp & Paper_ Monthly Tracker — September 2022(1)【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (782 KB)
2│ │ │ Pinterest Inc. (PINS)_ Focus Shifts to Forward Platform Evolution; Upgrade to Buy & Raise PT to $31 (from $24)(1)【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (1.02 MB)
2│ │ │ Petrobras (PBR)_ What if fuel prices are frozen while Brent price rises_ PBR as an importer of last resort_ (1)【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (824.18 KB)
2│ │ │ PepsiCo Inc. (PEP)_ Q3 earnings preview – Expect healthy underlying demand to drive top & bottom line beat, with a pot’l guid…(1)【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (756.05 KB)
2│ │ │ PATH.N-Morgan Stanley-UiPath Inc 2Q23 Results – Tough Time for a Turnaround Story..【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (979.42 KB)
2│ │ │ PATH.N-Morgan Stanley-UiPath Inc 1Q23 Results – Fundamentals Finding a New Glide ..【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (988.88 KB)
2│ │ │ Nike Inc.【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (841.04 KB)
2│ │ │ Nike Inc. (NKE)_ Untimely Inventory Deliveries Create Margin Headwinds Despite Solid 1Q; Reiterate Buy【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (785.7 KB)
2│ │ │ MS_ More USD Strength to Come【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (2.19 MB)
2│ │ │ MS_ Global Macro Forum – How High Can We Go【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (976.39 KB)
2│ │ │ Morgan Stanley-Software Valuation Views 100322 Waiting for Another Shoe…【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (783.25 KB)
2│ │ │ Morgan Stanley-Investor presentation TMT Webcast Analog Semiconductors【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (1.86 MB)
2│ │ │ Morgan Stanley-Ingredients Changing tastes-【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (2.09 MB)
2│ │ │ Morgan Stanley-Global Video Games Stars aligning heading into 2023【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (5.53 MB)
2│ │ │ Morgan Stanley-Chinas Localization Analog IC Identifying the long-term b.【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (8.59 MB)
2│ │ │ Morgan Stanley-China Property Database Tracker-【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (2.94 MB)
2│ │ │ Morgan Stanley-Brazil Education Addressing New Fies Potential Outcomes【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (4.16 MB)
2│ │ │ Morgan Stanley Fixed-Morgan Stanley FX Positioning Tracker【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (1.01 MB)
2│ │ │ Morgan Stanley Fixed-Global Macro Strategist Trends Have Been Friends-【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (4.72 MB)
2│ │ │ Metals & Mining_ Pockets of value emerge despite broader earnings risk_ Upgrade FMGAU, downgrade HNDLIN(1).pdf (778.69 KB)
2│ │ │ Kinetik Holdings (KNTK)_ Balancing Solid Growth vs. High 2023-24 Funding Needs – Initiate at Neutral(1)【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (902.89 KB)
2│ │ │ JPM_U_S__Fixed_Income【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (7.13 MB)
2│ │ │ JPMorgan Econ FI-EM Fixed Income Focus A real (yield) test for EM asset【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (898.46 KB)
2│ │ │ JPM first to market【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (756.52 KB)
2│ │ │ Japan Chemicals_ Cut GSe on weaker wafer outlook; stay Buy on Shin-Etsu Chemical_SUMCO (both CL) as valuations near bottom(1)【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (937.66 KB)
2│ │ │ Intuit Inc. (INTU)_ Unlocking value in low-penetrated TAM gives room for durable growth_ Analyst Day Takeaways(1)【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (791.36 KB)
2│ │ │ India Cars_ Past the chicane; initiate at Buy on MAHM, MRTI and Neutral on TAMO(1)【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (2.04 MB)
2│ │ │ HUM.N-Morgan Stanley-Humana Inc Is $1b Value Creation Plan Enough We Think So;【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (737.07 KB)
2│ │ │ Hong Kong Tracker_ Border reopening could benefit office more than retail in initial stage. Weaker housing price on rate hike.(1)【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (1.18 MB)
2│ │ │ Hong Kong Real Estate_ Faster rate rise means quicker resi price fall; another price, NAV, and TP cut; Buy NWD(1)【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (944.53 KB)
2│ │ │ Hong Kong Exchanges (0388.HK)_ Attractive risk-reward but NT impacted by market swings; Buy(1)【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (1.15 MB)
2│ │ │ Healthcare Pulse_ It’s All Relative … __ Investor sentiment; market color; sector themes; charts to watch(1)【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (799.34 KB)
2│ │ │ Greater China Technology_ Cloud industry check_ 2023 server outlook remains favorable, and likely more back-end loaded(1)【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (1.41 MB)
2│ │ │ GOAL Kickstart_ Yielding to bonds – UK Gilt sell-off drives cross-asset volatility(1)【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (2.03 MB)
2│ │ │ Global_Data_Watch【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (9.56 MB)
2│ │ │ Global_ GS Economics Indicators_ Following August JOLTS, US Jobs-Workers Gap Has Fallen by Nearly 50% of Amount Required (Kod…(1)【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (1.96 MB)
2│ │ │ Global Rates Trader_ Topping out_(1)【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (966.84 KB)
2│ │ │ Global Markets Comment_ Market Stress Monitor — October Edition(1)【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (1.04 MB)
2│ │ │ Global Economics Analyst_ Can G10 Economies Tame Inflation Without a Recession_ A Progress Report (Struyven_Kodnani)(1)【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (1.62 MB)
2│ │ │ German energy price caps could reinforce hawkish ECB【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (917.64 KB)
2│ │ │ European Credit Alpha Volatility-buyer’s paradise_【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (3.28 MB)
2│ │ │ European Consumer Staples The end of ‘free’ money【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (818.24 KB)
2│ │ │ Europe Technology_ Atomic Layer Deposition_ Digital Enabler for the evolution of advanced semiconductors; initiate on ASMI at…(1)【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (10.25 MB)
2│ │ │ ESR Group (1821.HK)_ De-rated to _1X PEG with 10%+ growth; Buy (on CL)(1)【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (921.44 KB)
2│ │ │ Equity_Strategy October【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (4 MB)
2│ │ │ Equity Strategy Monthly Wrap Q3 and September 2022 review【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (2.13 MB)
2│ │ │ Energy, Utilities & Mining Pulse_ Investors Asking_ What Are Key Catalysts into Year-End_(1)【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (928.91 KB)
2│ │ │ EM Sovereign Credit Monitor_ Overtightening fears back in focus(1)【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (997.7 KB)
2│ │ │ EM Macro Navigator_ Rising Fed rate tide washes over EM(1)【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (3.05 MB)
2│ │ │ DARK.L-Morgan Stanley-Darktrace PLC Self-learning Cyber Defense. Initiate at Equa..【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (2.66 MB)
2│ │ │ Credit Suisse (CSGN.S)_ A challenging picture for returns and capital_ Downgrade to Sell(1)【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (982.68 KB)
2│ │ │ Constellation Brands (STZ)_ FQ2 surprises to the upside with an FY23 guidance raise – Reiterate Buy (on CL)(1)【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (785.99 KB)
2│ │ │ Colombia A downside surprise that could extend the tightening cycle【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (917.95 KB)
2│ │ │ CK Hutchison Holdings (0001.HK)_ Potential merger of 3UK and Vodafone UK. Forex impact, but resilient business so far(1)【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (746.34 KB)
2│ │ │ citi-Global Macro Strategy -views and trade Ideas【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (2.67 MB)
2│ │ │ China Economic Activity and Policy Tracker_ September 30(1)【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (848.87 KB)
2│ │ │ China Consumer Staples_ Nielsen China infant formula (Jul-Aug 2022)_ Overall sales remained weak; Yili outperformed(1)【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (847.4 KB)
2│ │ │ Brazil Utilities_ Power monitor; reservoir levels at 57.0 vs. October_2021 average(1)【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (732.01 KB)
2│ │ │ Brazil Healthcare_ ANS Chartbook; Examining the Brazilian Private Health-Plan Market(1)【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (1.17 MB)
2│ │ │ BOFA-securiries equity -clients buy the dip【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (11.4 MB)
2│ │ │ BofA Global Research-Technicals meet Fundamentals Post Inflation Reduction Act, …-98467164【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (1.49 MB)
2│ │ │ BOA_US Oil and Gas OIM# 608_ Two things on our mind. Will OPEC cut Oct 5th_ WC cracks are $100!_20220930【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (1.5 MB)
2│ │ │ Biocytogen Pharmaceuticals (2315.HK)_ A preclinical research services firm with an emerging antibody discovery platform; init…(1)【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (1.52 MB)
2│ │ │ Big Oils_ 3Q22 Preview_ Strong balance sheets and attractive cash returns in a volatile macro(1)【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (799.86 KB)
2│ │ │ Barclays_Heineken NV Europe defying gravity__20221004【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (841.34 KB)
2│ │ │ Barclays_Carlsberg AS-B Asia on fire_20221004【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (926.9 KB)
2│ │ │ Asia Credit Trader_ Up In Quality As Macro Uncertainties Persist(1)【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (2.02 MB)
2│ │ │ Americas Transportation_ The Monthly Mosaic September 2022(1)【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (1 MB)
2│ │ │ Americas Tobacco_ NielsenIQ Data thru 9_24_ Total nicotine $ sales modestly decelerated as vol pressure increased on stronger…(1)【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (1.22 MB)
2│ │ │ Americas Technology_ Internet_ US Digital Advertising Q3’22 Preview_ Analyzing the Industry Debates & Estimates(1)【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (1.17 MB)
2│ │ │ Americas Technology_ Internet_ Q3 ’22 Gaming Industry Preview – Headwinds Remain in ’22; Industry Themes Likely Drive 2023 & …(1)【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (856.67 KB)
2│ │ │ Americas Steel_ At a crossroads; where do steel prices go from here_ STLD up to Buy, RS down to Neutral(1)【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (758.04 KB)
2│ │ │ Americas Retail_ Specialty Hardlines_ Pet pricing survey update; Comparing price at DG & Family Dollar; Takeaways from IR_mgmt.(1)【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (3.25 MB)
2│ │ │ Americas Retail_ Specialty Hardlines_ BBWI Digital Checks Reveal a Significant Uptick in App Downloads, Likely Driven By New …(1)【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (2.98 MB)
2│ │ │ Americas Payment Technology_ 3Q22 Preview_ If V_MA are underperforming the market, is anywhere in fintech safe_(1)【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (4 MB)
2│ │ │ Americas Aerospace & Defense_ Aerospace in Pictures_ September 2022(1)【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (943.47 KB)
2│ │ │ Abate_Money Markets Monthly Update【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (1.35 MB)
2│ │ │ 2022-10-03-V.N-Morgan Stanley-Visa Inc. Adjusting Estimates on FX Headwinds-98541572【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (1.51 MB)
2│ │ │ 2022-10-03-Morgan Stanley-Software Future of Work — Intensifying Competitive Landscap…-98541575【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (6.91 MB)
2│ │ │ 2022-10-03-Morgan Stanley-Freight Transportation Fast Lane USPS Rate Increase, IAM R…-98541577【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (6.73 MB)
2│ │ │ 2022-10-03-DOCU.OQ-Morgan Stanley-DocuSign Inc Before Signing, Read the Fine Print; Downgradi…-98541566【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (1.4 MB)
2│ │ │ 2022-10-03-DOCS.N-Morgan Stanley-Doximity, Inc. Deep dive into the business model and market…-98541583【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (1.18 MB)
2│ │ │ 2022-10-03-CFR.S-Morgan Stanley-Richemont An Introductory Guide-98548245【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (2.95 MB)
2│ │ │ 2022-10-03-BOX.N-Morgan Stanley-Box Inc Not a Mystery Box – Value is Underappreciated; Upgr…-98541571【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (1.1 MB)
2│ │ │ 2022-10-02-UBER.N-Morgan Stanley-Uber Technologies Inc The 23 Debate How Can Rideshare Gro…-98536093【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (1.23 MB)
2│ │ │ 2022-10-02-Morgan Stanley-Media Entertainment ESG Investment Factors – Disruption i…-98535968【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (10.23 MB)
2│ │ │ 2022-10-02-Morgan Stanley-Investor Presentation – India Banks Tracking Valuations-98535963【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (2.05 MB)
2│ │ │ 2022-10-02-Morgan Stanley Fixed-Asia Economics The Viewpoint This is not 1997, nor is it 2…-98535858【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (1.07 MB)
2│ │ │ 2022-09-30-Morgan Stanley-Thematics Hype Cycle Monitor #4 – Rise of Reshoring Cell-…-98500794【299素材网:299sucai.com】.pdf (1.11 MB)
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